The Lonely Hunter
“Deep in the heart of summer, sweet is life to me still, But my heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill.” ─ William Sharp
The heart is a Lonely Hunter; this book title was derived from sharp’s poem The Lonely Hunter. The poem refers to personal isolation and the love-hate relationship about being alone and feeling lonely.
“The eternal quest of the individual human being is to shatter his loneliness.” ─ Norman Cousins
I have noticed that many people I have worked with have a difficult time during the holiday season time of the year and cannot wait for the holidays to be over. Sometimes they sit with strong feelings of loneliness. Loneliness is a state of feeling cut off from and perhaps longing for connection, love and heart. Some people may experience a lack of contact either physically or emotionally with others. Loneliness is not to be confused with solitude and a quiet time to reflect and restore their vitality. It is like being in a solitary confinement. Some people just have a disposition toward being alone.
Loneliness causes people to question and ask themselves why am I here and why was I born, what is my purpose and life’s mission, how can I discover my own niche in life that is a perfect fit for me?
As we are quickly winding down 2018 have you had any feelings or thoughts about your coming year? Are you wondering what is in store for you in 2019? Do you have a felt sense, instinct or an insight as to your own personal direction in life?
This is a good month, the last month of the yearly cycle to contemplate your life’s possibilities. Take a few moments to review your thoughts, feelings, dreams, and your insights by paying attention to what has floated in and out of your mind.
Consider allowing yourself to be an intuitive visionary for your own life to fulfill your heart’s desire. See and look, listen to yourself, and be aware if any answers to your questions are being transmitted to you. Are the new thoughts and ideas that have come to you the food you need for further investigation and exploration on your path?
“When you close your doors, and make darkness within, remember never to say that you are alone, for you are not alone; nay, God is within, and your genius is within. And what need have they of light to see what you are doing?” ─ Epictetus
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